Special Meeting Minutes September 8, 2023

NSD Business Office
1326 W. Highway 92 #12
Bisbee, AZ 85620

Minutes for September 8, 2023

The Special Meeting was called to order at 3:15 PM. Present at Roll Call were Angelica Coronado, Jesus Guerrero, Stephen Dey, Andrew Foster and Charles Behney.

First agenda item was old business. The minutes of May 19th were discussed and approved unanimously as written.

The minutes of June 23rd were also discussed and approved unanimously as written.

The final wording of the resolution of May 19, 2023 was discussed. The reasons and agencies that NSD is working with and the written sections were discussed. Mr. Behney made a motion to pass the resolution as written. Mr. Guerrero seconded the motion, which then passed unanimously after a roll call vote. The board signed the resolution as written.

Under new business, Mr. Dey discussed the consent agenda and NSD’s bills. Water testing bills were going down. All bills are currently paid.

There were no comments from the public.

The meeting was adjourned at 3:27 PM.


Stephen T. Dey

Naco Sanitary District Chair

P.O. BOX 755
Naco, AZ 85620


November 8, 2023 Meeting Agenda

NSD Business Office
1326 W. Highway 92 #12
Bisbee, AZ 95620


3:00 PM

Call to Order. Roll Call.

Chair’s Report.

Old Business

Discuss and approve the Minutes for September, 2023.

New Business

Discuss and possible action of on-call site maintenance and operations.

Discuss status of grants and task force requests.

Comments from the Board, the Office Manager and Public.


Stephen T. Dey

Naco Sanitary District Chair

Naco Sanitary District Request for Legal Services


General Municipal Law,
Title VI Law,
Environmental Law

The Naco Sanitary District (NSD) invites interested individual attorneys and law firms to submit written proposals to provide general municipal legal services.

The NSD, an ARS Title 48 Special Taxing District, is seeking general municipal legal services, which would include advising the NSD Board on quasi-judicial and legislative procedures or other matters specifically before the NSD Board that have not already been addressed by outside counsel or through in-house staff.

It is expected that this individual or firm will attend NSD Board work sessions, regular, and special meetings, as necessary or as required. Remote counsel online is acceptable for NSD legal services.

This individual or firm would be responsible for or assist with preparation and review of all NSD Ordinances, Resolutions, grants, contracts and other legally-related documents; legal opinions and memorandums; review of public works projects; land use planning; purchasing and procurement; leasing, purchasing and sale of property; employment matters; public disclosure laws; and certain other limited legal services as designated by the Chair and NSD Board.

The NSD Board meets regularly on the first Friday of each month at 10:00 AM or 3:00 PM. Occasional special meetings may be held, as needed, and at the request of the Chair and NSD Board.

The individual or firm selected to provide general legal services will serve at the pleasure of the NSD Board and may be removed per terms of an approved contract.

The NSD is prepared to review proposals from individuals or firms to serve as an independent contractor. The NSD is requesting that proposals include fees calculated on an hourly basis, or a retainer based on 5 to 20 hours per month.

Requested Information:

Proposals should include the following information. Proposers may submit additional information as deemed appropriate.

1. For individual proposers, employment history since 2000. For firm proposers, legal status of firm or predecessor forms of organization since 2000, including specialization of individual, firm, or predecessor organization.

2. Qualifications for providing general legal services, for each attorney likely to provide services, including:

A. Law School (including year of graduation), year of admission to Arizona State Bar, and years of practice. Must be a member in good standing of the Arizona State Bar Association.

B. Years of municipal or other public sector law practice as a full-time government attorney or specializing in municipal or other public sector law practice in a law firm or as a sole practitioner.

C. Particular areas of knowledge and experience in Arizona government law, including but not limited to law related to cities. Examples of areas may include but are not necessarily limited to law related to:

      • Land use;
      • Personnel contracts and negotiations;
      • Groundwater and surface waters of Arizona;
      • Environmental laws and transboundary treaties applicable to the International Boundaries and Water Commission, the Environmental Protection Agency, the Clean Water Act, State of Arizona statutes and local jurisdictions;
      • Annexation;
      • Public purchasing and contracting;
      • Title VI law regarding tribes and colonias;
      • Planning, construction, and operation of public facilities such as street, water, sanitary sewer, and storm drainage facilities;
      • Rural development and urban renewal;
      • Open meetings, public records, and public disclosure;
      • Government ethics;
      • Elections.

D. Litigation experience, including descriptions of representative cases and outcomes.
E. Drafting experience, such as drafting of grants, loans, contracts, memoranda, ordinances, and resolutions.
F. Experience giving oral advice such as during the course of NSD Board meetings and by telephone to NSD staff.
G. Other types of clients represented.
H. Affiliations or clients that could cause conflicts of interest regarding likely NSD Attorney and legal matters.

3. How you propose to provide general legal services to the NSD.

4. Proposed compensation for general legal services should be proposed at a monthly amount based upon 20 hours a month, or a yearly retainer for a flat rate.

As an independent contractor, this should include any proposal for expense reimbursements beyond payments for time. For a firm’s proposal, if the proposed compensation will vary depending on which attorney does work, this should include the proposed method of charging for each attorney who will be performing work.

Mail RFP for legal services to:

NSD Business Office
Attention: Monika Patience, Office Manager
1326 W. Highway 92 #12
Bisbee, AZ 95620

Or email to: Naco Sanitary District Office: nacosanitaryoffice@nacosanitary.org

For information call 520-432-3530.

This RFP is open until filled by the NSD Board. All proposals will be reviewed and voted upon by the NSD Board of Directors.


Naco Sanitary District Resolution of 5-19-2023

Naco Sanitary District Resolution of 5-19-2023

Resolution Of Affirmation And Commitment To International Boundaries And Water Commission Treaties And Recommendations, Environmental Protection Agency Border 2025 Goals, Regional Transboundary Protection Of The Naco-Bisbee Sole Source Aquifer For Bisbee And The Naco Pueblo, Partnerships With Community Based Organizations For The Naco Colonia. Local Recharge And Environmental Mitigation Of The Transboundary, Sole Source Aquifer For Long Term Water Adequacy.

Whereas in 1963, the United States International Boundaries and Water Commission (IBWC) recommended that a Sanitary District in Naco, Arizona be founded for the purpose of providing matching funds for Naco, Arizona; Naco, Sonora; the City of Bisbee with a regional wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) for all of the transboundary residents to prevent sewage system overflows on both sides of the border;

Whereas the Naco Sanitary District was incorporated on March 31, 1971 for regional wastewater treatment and sanitation as a Special Taxing District within the Naco Census Data Place;

Whereas in 1978, the Naco Sanitary District, the IBWC, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the City of Bisbee, and Congressman Mo Udall cooperated and approved funding for a regional, binational wastewater treatment plant with a capacity for 20,000 residents;

Whereas in 1980, a regional wastewater treatment plant was built with EPA grant Grant No. C040174020; for three communities with long term recharging for the transboundary, sole source aquifer;

Whereas in 1987, the IBWC Minute 273 gave merit to regional connections between Naco, Sonora and Naco, Arizona WWTPs to prevent sewage system overflows;

Whereas in 1987, Naco and Bisbee residents petitioned the EPA to designate the Naco-Bisbee Aquifer as Sole Source;

Whereas in 1987, an EPA and USGS study determined that a spreading sulfate plume from a mine tailings concentrate pond had contaminated the Naco-Bisbee aquifer with sulfate levels above 250mg/l that had polluted local wells which became unusable for crops and drinking;

Whereas in 1988, the EPA designated the Naco-Bisbee Aquifer as the Naco-Bisbee Sole Source Aquifer, with highest priority under the Clean Water Act;

Whereas in 1995, the Cochise County Supervisors resolved to designate the Naco Census Data Place a colonia qualified for financial and environmental assistance under Federal and Arizona laws;

Whereas in 2000, the Naco Sanitary District agreed to connect emergency pipelines with OOMAPAS de Naco, Sonora to prevent sewage system overflows;

Whereas in 2003, the Naco Sanitary District downgraded their aquifer protection permit with ADEQ from a lagoon system built with an EPA grant for 20,000 residents, to an evaporation system for 1000 residents. This action reduced the capabilities for aquifer protection from the NSD WWTP by ninety percent, where the already built regional WWTP for three communities was downgraded from its original parameters, thereby decreasing its environmental and economic value to the regional communities;

Whereas in 2003, the City of Bisbee applied for a new WWTP with the Arizona Department of Economic Quality (ADEQ), Border Environment Cooperation Commission (BECC) and North American Development Bank (NADB), which would be built on top of the known sulfate plume;

Whereas in 2003, the City of Bisbee excluded the NSD WWTP as an alternative to their proposed WWTP since the NSD plant no longer had its as built capacity formerly approved by the City of Bisbee in 1978;

Whereas in 2006, the Bisbee WWTP plant began operations, which discharged effluent into the stormwater channel known as the Greenbush (Green Bush) Draw, which infiltrates onto NSD property, the Arizona Water Company property; Ladd Ranch property (without permission nor contracts with the City of Bisbee), two miles west from the discharge point on Naco Highway, creating continuing damage to NSD and Ladd Ranch property along Greenbush (Green Bush) Draw;

Whereas in 2018, Mr. Stephen Dey and Mr. Charles Behney submitted the Naco Community Wetlands Mitigation Plan of 2018, which proposed for the NSD to connect emergency pipelines to Naco, Sonora to prevent sewage system overflows, connect Bisbee effluent to the NSD WWTP to abate the damage to Greenbush (Green Bush) Draw and return to a regional plant concept of constructed wetlands; allow connections to Freeport McMoran to mitigate the spreading sulfate plume;

Whereas in 2019, the City of Bisbee and Cochise County entered into an agreement called the Bisbee Effluent Plan, which would pipe effluent from the transboundary, sole source aquifer sub-basin to an undetermined location to assure water adequacy near the San Pedro River, located outside and below the Naco-Bisbee Sole Source Aquifer;

Whereas the tailings concentrate plume now threatens Naco, Sonora municipal wells. The sulfates have forced the decommissioning of Naco, Arizona wells due to sulfate contaminaton, which continues to damage the transboundary, sole source aquifer; and

Whereas all of the regional wastewater treatment plants are in need of upgrades and renovations; which need binational cooperation for the protection of the transboundary, sole source aquifer shared by three communities;


SECTION 1. The Board of Directors of the Naco Sanitary District shall remain firmly committed to the protection of the transboundary Naco-Bisbee Sole Source Aquifer and its resident’s need for clean drinking water. The NSD will make available its property, assets and inventory for the purposes of a binational, regional constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment, as approved by the binational community in past resolutions. The NSD requests that EPA, IBWC and ADEQ give priority to the Clean Water Act, IBWC treaties, aquifer protection permits, and form a task-force for the protection of the transboundary, Naco-Bisbee Sole Source Aquifer to prevent and mitigate further damage to the groundwater and surface waters shared by the binational communities.

SECTION 2. As a colonia, the Naco Sanitary District joins communities across the nation seeking environmental justice for our residents. The NSD affirms its support for the U.S.-Mexico Environmental Program: Border 2025; a five-year (2021-2025) binational effort designed to “Protect the environment and public health in the U.S.-Mexico border region for the long-term economic, cultural and social well-being of present and future generations, and acknowledge the importance of engaging with these groups in the long-term conservation of the environment”. NSD requests that this implementation will be accomplished within the framework of the respective laws and regulations of the U.S. and Mexico. NSD supports the goals and mission of the IBWC, its mission is “to provide binational solutions to issues that arise during the application of United States – Mexico treaties regarding boundary demarcation, national ownership of waters, sanitation, water quality, and flood control in the border region.”

SECTION 3. All of the Naco Sanitary District Board and staff shall affirm strong commitments to aquifer protection, binational cooperation, local recharge, and mitigation of the sulfate plume to preserve the culture and economy of our regional communities.

SECTION 4. The Naco Sanitary District makes available its good will, property and resources to Naco, Sonora and Bisbee, Arizona for wastewater treatment, stormwater management and aquifer protection under IBWC, EPA and ADEQ guidelines and best management practices. A regional constructed wetlands with a wildlife observation area and a recreational park is promoted for safety, sanitation and economic development.

SECTION 5. The Naco Sanitary District will cooperate and provide assistance to Community Based Organizations and the City of Bisbee for USDA Rural Assistance for grants and other funding.

SECTION 6. Our Congressional delegation is called upon to provide leadership and guidance for our transboundary, EPA designated sole source aquifer.

SECTION 7. Whereas it is necessary for the health and safety of the Naco Sanitary District that this resolution become immediately effective; this resolution shall be effective immediately upon its passage and adoption.


Naco Sanitary District Resolution 5-19-2023 Recorded 9-22-2023

Minutes for May 19, 2023

NSD Business Office
1326 W. Highway 92 #12
Bisbee, AZ 85620

Minutes for May 19, 2023

The Special Meeting was called to order at 3:08 PM. Present at Roll Call were Angelica Coronado, Jesus Guerrero, Stephen Dey, Andrew Foster and Charles Behney.

First agenda item was old business. Mr. Dey asked if the minutes for February 2, 2023 had been read by the board. No changes were needed, so the minutes were unanimously approved as submitted.

Under new business, Mr. Behney discussed the Naco Community Wetlands Mitigation Plan of 2018 that Mr. Dey and Mr. Behney had submitted to NADB, ADEQ, the City of Bisbee, Cochise County and other stakeholders as concerned citizens. In reply, a letter from Ms. Amanda Stone of ADEQ written on June 28, 2018 was read to the board regarding binational connnections to Naco, Sonora and the requirements from ADEQ and other stakeholders for transboundary connections. NSD has fifty acres available to the region for aquifer protection, recharge and sewage system overflows. NSD will partner and cooperate with Bisbee and Naco, Sonora for future expansion.

Mr. Behney also spoke about an agreement between NSD and OOMAPAS to connect Naco Sonora to the NSD system for emergencies and sewer system overflows that was signed on May 9, 2000 by NSD President Ernest Rogers. This agreement was never completed, although the NSD WWTP was built as a regional plant for Bisbee and the Naco Pueblo on both sides, per IBWC and EPA recommendations in 1978,

Mr. Behney reported that SAMS.GOV has approved our application for NSD, with the incorporation of NSD officially stated at March 31, 1971. SAMS.GOV tracks and audits federal grants and loans. NSD also has USDA grant writing status at Level 2 for Rural Development. NSD is in good standing with Arizona Water Infrastructure Finance Agency (WIFA) for loans.

NSD is positioned to form partnerships with Community Based Organizations (CBO)s for grants and other opportunities available to colonias.

NSD is meeting with EPA Border 2025 officials including NADB, ADEQ, EPA, CEA of Sonora, and CONAGUA on May 23 and 24, 2023 in Tubac to discuss transboundary water issues involving Naco.

Mr. Dey described the reserve accounts and their differences from the annual budget. The Emergency Reserve Account is for unexpected failures and emergencies regarding the NSD infrastructure. The Capital Reserve Account is to save for new construction, upgrades and improvements. The Operations and Maintenance Account is to provide operating funds, if revenues are not sufficient for the budget.

Mr. Behney reviewed the line items of the proposed budget. Mr. Dey explained that increasing the property taxes to replace the current billing will actually save the NSD and the billed customers money when the monthly bills are replaced by tax revenues, in the same way that the school district and the fire district are budgeted by taxes instead of bills.

Mr. Dey stated that the proposed $40,000,000 in the reserve account allows NSD to apply and administer grants up to that amount, and is necessary for the budget to have these proposed funds in order to receive grants and other funding up to that amount. It is a contingency that allows the county to receive grants for NSD.

Mr. Dey make a motion to accept the proposed budge with changes to the reserve account. Mr. Behney seconded the motion which then passed unanimously. The NSD will transition to a tax based revenue and replace the billing system with taxes.

At the next meeting, the proposed budget will be voted on to become the approved budget for FYI 2023-2024.

Mr. Dey gave the floor to Mr. Behney to discuss the Request for Information that NSD submitted to the EPA on April 9, 2023. Mr. Behney and Mr. Dey attended an EPA Border 2025 meeting in Sahuarita where an RFI regarding grants. Proposals for how to spend Inflation Reduction Act funds was solicitated.

The NSD RFI requests that EPA prioritize investing in mitigating wetlands and constructed wetlands along the transboundary border region with an emphasis on tribes and colonias.

Mr. Behney stated that the IBWC requested that the NSD be formed in 1963 as a regional sewage system for all three communities, Bisbee and the Naco Pueblo. Naco is the only border community that has no collaboration with IBWC and the EPA.

The NSD RFI proposes provide NSD’s fifty acres to 1) Connect emergency pipes to Naco, Sonora, 2) Connect Bisbee as a regional WWTP, 3) Connect FreePort McMoran wells to mitigate sulfate contamination to the sole source aquifer, creating a constructed wetlands with a recreational park for the local residents of Bisbee and the Naco Pueblo.

Regarding the next agenda item, to discuss and approve the participation and policies of Border 2025 regarding Naco, Arizona; Naco, Sonora and Bisbee, Arizona regional infrastructure and environmental goals. Mr. Dey made a motion to approve the participation and policies of Border 2025 regarding Naco, Arizona; Naco, Sonora and Bisbee, Arizona regional infrastructure and environmental goals, including partnering with community based organizations. Mr. Behney seconded the motion. Without further discusssion, the motion was passed unanimously.

Office Manager Monika Patience reported that cash flow was coming in, and revenues were positive. Angelica Coronado reported that 3000 customers are billed by the City of Bisbee. If Bisbee and Naco had a regional plant again, Bisbee would be able to lower their sewer bill.

The meeting was adjourned at 3:56 PM.


Stephen T. Dey

Naco Sanitary District Chair *

P.O. BOX 755
Naco, AZ 85620


Minutes for June 23, 2023

NSD Business Office
1326 W. Highway 92 #12
Bisbee, AZ 95620

Minutes for June 23, 2023

The Special Meeting was called to order at 3:00 PM. Present at Roll Call were Stephen Dey, Andrew Foster and Charles Behney.

First agenda item was the Truth in Taxation Hearing, open for public comments. No one from the public attended or spoke about taxation, so the meeting was declared in recess until 7:00 PM.

At 7:00 PM, the meeting was called to order from recess. Roll was called. Stephen Dey, Andrew Foster, Charles Behney, Angelica Coronado and Jesus Guerrero were in attendance.

As there were no comments from the public, Mr. Dey made a motion to approve the modified budget for fiscal year 2023 to 2024. Mr. Behney seconded the motion, and a roll call vote was taken. The roll call vote was unanimous in favor of passing the budget for FY 2023-2024. The budget was approved.

Mr. Dey spoke about the problems regarding NSD’s application with USDA. The USDA Arizona Director, Ms. Charlene Fernandez, stated that Naco was not a colonia during a conference call. Mr. Behney insisted that the Naco community was a colonia and provide a news clipping from 2004 stating that Naco was mapped by USGS as a colonia. Apparently, the Naco Census Data Place was missing from all of the colonia records that are submitted to the state and federal agencies, for over two decades. This is a possible violation of Title VI guidelines that the USDA requires for rural development.

USDA agent Michael Dean sent the NSD a resolution from Cochise County signed in 1995 that made the Naco Township a designated colonia, including a map of its boundaries. This is missing from the County records. And apparently this was missing from current lists of colonias.

Mr. Dey made a motion for a request for legal services, to hire an attorney to represent and defend the Naco community and its status as a colonia and other NSD matters.

Mr. Behney amended the motion for legal services to include expertise in environmental law, Title VI law, and municipal government. Mr. Dey seconded the motion.

The motion passed unanimously. There was no further discussion nor comments from the public.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:35 PM.


Stephen T. Dey

Naco Sanitary District Chair *

P.O. BOX 755
Naco, AZ 85620





NSD Business Office
1326 W. Highway 92 #12
Bisbee, AZ 95620


10:00 AM

Call to Order. Roll Call.

Old Business

Discuss and approve the Minutes for May 19, 2023.

Discuss and approve the Minutes for June 23, 2023.

Read, discuss and vote on the Resolution of 5-19-23.

New Business

Review current invoices and bills due and paid.

Comments from the Board, the Office Manager and Public.


Stephen T. Dey

Naco Sanitary District Chair

P.O. BOX 755
Naco, AZ 85620

Posted at the Naco Post Office, Naco Fire Department: 9/06/2023 2:00 PM

Posted online: 9/06/2023 12:00 PM



Truth in Taxation Hearing 6/23/2023 at 3:00 PM

NSD Business Office
1326 W. Highway 92 #12
Bisbee, AZ 95620



Truth in Taxation Hearing – Public Comments



Truth in Taxation Hearing

Roll Call Vote to Discuss and Approve the Modified Budget for FY 2023-2024

Old Business

Discuss and approve the Minutes for May 19, 2023

New Business

Discuss and approve a Request For Proposals for legal services for the Naco Sanitary District for FY 2023-2024.

Comments from the Board, the Manager and Public.


Stephen T. Dey

Naco Sanitary District Chair

P.O. BOX 755
Naco, AZ 85620

Posted at the Naco Post Office, Naco Fire Department: 6/22/2023 12:00 PM

Posted online: 6/22/2023 12:00 PM

Truth in Taxation – Notice of Tax Increase

May 22, 2023


The Naco Sanitary District board voted unanimously to approve the tentative budget for fiscal year 2023-2024, on Friday, May 19th. This annual budget will raise property taxes for NSD, while retiring monthly bills and charges in 2024. Customers who are paid in full will no longer receive a monthly bill. Past due customers will continue to receive bills and notices until paid in full.

NSD Chair Stephen Dey stated, “The proposed tax increase will cause the Naco Sanitary District’s secondary property taxes on a $100,000 home to be $579 for total proposed taxes including the tax increase. For a $50,000 home the annual taxes will be $290. A $25,000 home will pay $145 in taxes, annuually. Going from monthly billing to annual taxes will actually save NSD customers money for most of the current residents. Businesses and empty lots will pay more, while residents will save money. This is fair, and taxed like the school district and the fire district.”

Without the proposed tax increase, the total taxes that would be owed on a $100,000 home would have been $106, a $50,000 home would pay $53, while a $25,000 residence would pay $28 a year.

The Naco Sanitary District will hold a Truth in Taxation public hearing, in compliance with ARS 48-254, on June 23, 2023 at 3PM.

The NSD Truth in Taxation Notice will be published in the Bisbee Observer twice. The first notice will be published on May 25, 2023, followed by the second notice on June 1, 2023.

The NSD may only consider a motion to levy the increased property taxes by roll call vote.

All interested citizens are invited to attend the public hearing on the tax increase that is scheduled to be held Friday, June 23, 2023, 3 PM at:

NSD Business Office
1326 W. Highway 92 #12
Bisbee, AZ 85620

Conference Call:



22 de mayo de 2023


La junta directiva del Distrito Sanitario de Naco (NSD) votó de manera unánime para aprobar el presupuesto tentativo para el año fiscal 2023-2024, el viernes 19 de mayo. Este presupuesto anual aumentará los impuestos a la propiedad para el NSD, mientras se eliminarán las facturas y cargos mensuales en 2024. Los clientes que estén al corriente en sus pagos ya no recibirán una factura mensual. Los clientes con pagos pendientes seguirán recibiendo facturas y avisos hasta que se pongan al día.

Stephen Dey, presidente del NSD, declaró: “El aumento propuesto de impuestos hará que los impuestos secundarios del Distrito Sanitario de Naco para una casa de $100,000 sean de $579, incluyendo el incremento de impuestos. Para una casa de $50,000, los impuestos anuales serán de $290. Una casa de $25,000 pagará $145 en impuestos al año. El cambio de facturación mensual a impuestos anuales realmente ahorrará dinero a la mayoría de los residentes actuales del NSD. Las empresas y los parceles baldíos pagarán más, mientras que los residentes ahorrarán dinero. Esto es justo, y se gravará de manera mismo al distrito escolar y al distrito de bomberos”.

Sin el aumento de impuestos propuesto, los impuestos totales que se adeudarían en una casa de $100,000 serían de $106. Una casa de $50,000 pagaría $53, mientras que una residencia de $25,000 pagaría $28 al año.

El Distrito Sanitario de Naco llevará a cabo una audiencia pública de Verdad en la Tributación, en cumplimiento del ARS 48-254, el 23 de junio de 2023 a las 3PM.

El Aviso de Verdad en la Tributación del NSD se publicará dos veces en el Bisbee Observer. El primer aviso se publicará el 25 de mayo de 2023, seguido por el segundo aviso el 1 de junio de 2023.

El NSD solo puede considerar una moción para imponer los impuestos a la propiedad incrementados mediante votación nominal.

Se invita a todos los ciudadanos interesados a asistir a la audiencia pública sobre el aumento de impuestos que se llevará a cabo el viernes 23 de junio de 2023, a las 3 PM en:

Oficina de Negocios del NSD
1326 W. Highway 92 #12
Bisbee, AZ 85620

Llamada de conferencia:


Truth in Taxation
Notice of Tax Increase

In compliance with section 48-254, Arizona Revised Statutes, the Naco Sanitary District is notifying its property taxpayers of the Naco Sanitary District’s intention to raise its secondary property taxes over last year’s level. The Naco Sanitary District is proposing an increase in secondary property taxes of $ 98,000 or 445%.

For example, the proposed tax increase will cause the Naco Sanitary District’s secondary property taxes on a $100,000 home to be $579 (total proposed taxes including the tax increase). Without the proposed tax increase, the total taxes that would be owed on a $100,000 home would have been $106.

This proposed increase is exclusive of increased secondary property taxes received from new construction. The increase is also exclusive of any changes that may occur from property tax levies for voter-approved bonded indebtedness.

All interested citizens are invited to attend the public hearing on the tax increase that is scheduled to be held Friday, June 23, 2023, 3 PM at:

NSD Business Office
1326 W. Highway 92 #12
Bisbee, AZ 85620

Conference Call:


Public Notice of NSD Quorum for May 23, 24, at Tubac, Arizona – NSD Office for June, July 2023

This is a courtesy posting of events at which a quorum of the Board may be present. Naco Sanitary District Board action will only be taken at properly-noticed NSD Board meetings.

May 23, 24, 2023

Border 2025: US-Mexico Environmental Program
Tubac Golf Resort & Spa

Meeting agendas are posted separately, at least 24 hours prior to the meeting.

The NSD board may constitute a quorum during work hours on Fridays at the NSD office and the WWTP in Naco during the months of May and June 2023.