Naco Sanitary District Special Meeting – May 17, 2024


NSD Business Office
1326 W. Highway 92 #12
Bisbee, AZ 85620

May 17, 2024


Special Meeting

4:00 PM

Call to Order. Roll Call.

Chair’s Report.

Officer Manager’s Report.

New Business

Discuss and approve the Minutes for May 3, 2024.

Discussion and possible approval of the preliminary budget for fiscal year 2024-2025.

Comments from the Board and Public.

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Otherwise, to join by phone, dial +1 513-486-2641 and enter this PIN: 510 485 358#

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Stephen T. Dey

Naco Sanitary District Chair

Posted at the Naco Post Office, Naco Fire Department: 5/15/2024 6:30 PM

Posted online: 5/15/2024 5:00 PM


Naco Sanitary District Meeting May 3, 2024


NSD Business Office
1326 W. Highway 92 #12
Bisbee, AZ 85620

May 3, 2024


Regular Meeting

2:00 PM

The meeting was called to order at 2:02 PM. Stephen Dey, Charles Behney, Jesus Guerrero, and Angelica Coronado were present. Andrew Foster was absent.

Mr. Dey reported that he and Mr. Behney met earlier in the morning with engineers from Kimley-Horne concerning regionalization of wastewater management, cooperation with the Camp Naco and Camp Riff projects, and the need to mitigate the problems regarding Green Bush Draw effluent trespass, and the expanding sulfate plume that threatens the Naco-Bisbee sole source aquifer. Mr. Dey stated that we needed to “go through the process” (of bids) with Kimley-Horne expressing interest in regionalization to better serve the transboundary communities with coordinated planning and engineering for the upcoming Naco projects.

Mr. Behney reported that he and Mr. Dey had attended the Cochise County Planning and Zoning meeting regarding the Camp Riff project, with the NSD expressing support for the proposal. The Camp Riff project passed with a vote of 4 in favor and 3 against. NSD agreed to provide up to 25,000 gallons per day to Camp Riff in a phased build-out.

Mr. Dey stated that NSD had over $20,000 with $30,000 in taxes still to be collected. Mr. Behney said the Camp Riff project and its 170 acres will be annexed to NSD. Details and legal procedures will be worked out during the next fiscal year. Green Bush Draw will then be within NSD boundaries. A minor emergency regarding the flowmeter was solved onsite. Mr. Behney will receive training on the flowmeter soon. A gaming fund for grants is available for Naco, and should be pursued. Mr. Dey suggested a vacuum truck or backhoe could be obtained with such grants. The county sent this to NSD, and its cooperation was noted.

Mr. Behney recapped the earlier meeting with Kimley-Horne engineers and RCAC program manager Ramon Lucero, who also attended by phone. Interest in the USDA-RD SEARCH grant for Preliminary Engineering Review was discussed. This included an asset inventory and canvassing the collection system and lagoons since they are at end of life phases. Mr. Lucero is assisting in the PER advertisement for bids, and Kimley-Horne wants an onsite inspection. Mr. Behney will also provide an aerial survey. There are several possible phases, including pipes to Sonora, a constructed wetlands with a sequential batch reactor, clean-up of Green Bush Draw, and walkways from the proposed constructed wetlands, to Camp Naco and Camp Riff.

NSD Municipal Attorney Jon Paladini joined by phone. Mr. Paladini was informed of the preliminary meeting with Kimley-Horne. Mr. Dey stated the PER advertisement will be published in the Bisbee Observer. Kimley-Horne is highly regarded, and is already working with Camp Riff and Camp Naco.

New Business

The minutes for March 1, 2024 was discussed and approved with minor changes. The motion was passed unanimously.

Mr. Behney then read the proposed utility will serve letter for the Camp Riff:

Re: Parcels 10257305B & 10257194C Permission to Connect to Naco Sanitary District Sewer Systems

Dear Erin Harris and Samone Marquez :

The Naco Sanitary District grants permission to you to connect Parcels 10257305B & 10257194C to the Naco Sanitary District pipes and system. We allow for Kimley-Horn engineers to plan and connect sewer lines as needed for Camp Naco. No other permission is granted other than sewage services and wastewater treatment by the Naco Sanitary District.

We request plans, maps and other code related information from the Contractors and inspections by NSD before you bury Camp Naco service connections.

Naco Sanitary District will provide 3000 gallons per day of wastewater discharge and treatment for Camp Naco, as agreed on April 25, 2024 between the City of Bisbee and NSD.

The City of Bisbee offered to pay for services in a Memorandum of Understanding, even though they are not on the property tax roles. Details will be forthcoming for NSD.

Mr. Paladini approved the letter as written. Mr. Dey made a motion to approve the letter as written, to be sent to the City of Bisbee and Kimley-Horne. The motion was seconded by Mr. Behney and it passed unanimously on a roll call vote.

Mr. Dey discussed annexation. The owner must request annexation with the Board of Supervisors according to ARS Title 48. The proper procedures for annexation need to be researched. The tax base could increase by 30%, depending on property valuation. Rates for NSD residents could go down significantly. Mr. Behney suggested speaking with the County Assessor, now that the planning and zoning has been approved.

Mr. Dey then summarized the budget proposals for the 2024-2025 fiscal year. For the most part, the budget would have some salary and office increases due to inflation, but would be the same as the current budget, without any other increases or changes. There would be carry-overs to cover last year expenses. Ten thousand dollars covers site maintenance. Maintenance expenses will increase slightly to cover inflation. The Operations and Maintenance and Emergency Reserve funds will be merged. These accounts are already established with the County Treasurer and will not need to be set up. If a grantor requires a separate reserve account, then it would be established as needed. Reserve accounts will be funded with NSD taxes.

Mr. Paladini suggested a special meeting for the budget, since the proposed budget approval as not on the agenda.

There were no other comments from the board nor the public. The meeting was adjourned at 2:27 PM.


Stephen T. Dey

Naco Sanitary District Chair

Posted online:

Naco Sanitary District Agenda May 3, 2024



NSD Business Office
1326 W. Highway 92 #12
Bisbee, AZ

May 3, 2024


Regular Meeting

2:00 PM

Call to Order. Roll Call.

Chair’s Report.

Officer Manager’s Report.

Old Business

Discuss status of RCAC, USDA, and other agencies work with NSD. Status of the RCAC work plan.

New Business

Discuss and approve the Minutes for March 1, 2024.

Discussion and approval of letter to City of Bisbee/Camp Naco to provide a utility will serve letter of intent to provide service.

Discussion regarding annexation of Bisbee Ventures, LLC./Camp Riff to NSD boundaries, including Title 48 procedures.

Discuss the preliminary budget with a line by line reading of the current budget and proposed items.

Comments from the Board and Public.

To join the video meeting, click this link:

Otherwise, to join by phone, dial +1 513-486-2641 and enter this PIN: 510 485 358#

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Stephen T. Dey

Naco Sanitary District Chair

Posted at the Naco Post Office, Naco Fire Department: 5/1/2024 2:30 PM

Posted online: 5/1/2024 11:30 AM


Naco Sanitary District Meeting 2024-03-01 9:00 AM


NSD Business Office
1326 W. Highway 92 #12
Bisbee, AZ 85620

March 1, 2024

Unapproved Minutes for March 1, 2024

Regular Meeting

9:00 AM

The meeting was called to order at 9:05 AM. Present at roll call were Andrew Foster, Charles Behney, Jesus Guerrero, Angelica Coronado and Stephen Dey.

For the Chair’s Report, Mr. Dey stated that NSD was in good shape.

The Vice Chair, Charles Behney read and discussed the Rural Community Assistance Corporation Work Plan.

Mr. Behney read this from RCAC Program Manager Ramon Lucero:

Broad Scope of Work

The Naco Sanitary District and Bisbee are working on an Integrated Regional Transboundary Wastewater Mitigation Plan.  This is a regional project which is attempting to mitigate major water quality issues within a sole source aquifer which impacts Naco, Sonora, Naco, AZ, and Bisbee. This sole source aquifer has been polluted by a spreading sulfate plume which has impacted water quality for these communities in addition to many private wells.

These entities are working towards an interconnected, regional wastewater treatment plant including constructed wetlands to eliminate the effluent discharge into what’s called the Green Bush Draw, connect pipelines to Naco, Sonora WWTPs to address emergencies, construct wetland lagoons for sulfate mitigation and recharge treated effluent into a positive hydro-static pressure dome to protect further spreading of the sulfate plume.

Ms. Patience was occupied and not available for the Officer Manager’s Report.

New Business

The board read the Minutes for January 25, 2024. Mr. Dey made a motion to approve the minutes, which was seconded by Mr. Behney. The motion passed unanimously.

Next, the board discussed the utility will serve letter to Mr. Joseph Lewis and Camp Riff-Bisbee Ventures LLC for the former country club properties. This letter will approve connections and service to his properties within the Naco Census Data Place. Mr. Dey explained that before any construction can be started within the NSD, a utility will serve letter must be approved and sent by the NSD granting permission to connect to the sewer system. Mr. Dey stated that NSD will provide up to 25,000 gallons per day to Bisbee Ventures until the current system is improved and expanded. NSD currently is using 35,000 gpd. Adding 35,000 and 25,000 gpd will provide 60,000 gpd. 5000 gpd for infill and vacant lots. Mr. Dey stated that possible limits to NSD current capacity will require the system to be expanded. In exchange for providing Bisbee Ventures with 25,000 gpd, the 170 acres would be annexed into the NSD. This would provide more property taxes to the district, which would lower the taxes for the NSD residents. The property taxes would come down. The Camp Riff project will actually improve NSD’s standing with grants and funding. Mr. Behney stated that Camp Riff will lower property taxes and take pressure off of the current businesses and residents. Mr. Dey made a motion to write the will serve letter, which was seconded by Mr. Behney. The motion was approved with a roll call vote, which was unanimous.

The board next discussed a possible sewer connection moratorium after connections to the former country club properties. Mr. Dey was concerned about the legality of a moratorium, whether a resolution or an ordinance would be needed. With the Camp Riff build-out, other projects and developments could be limited by NSD’s current capacity. NSD attorney Jon Paladini explained that there is a statutory process for adopting a moratorium which includes publishing an advertisement in a newspaper and a series of findings. Mr. Paladini recommending not pursuing a moratorium, because it entails a very specific process. Mr. Paladini offered to provide NSD with a memorandum for how to do this. Mr. Paladini stated that the new connections would add up to 70,000 gpd, leaving approximately 15,000 gpd available. Mr. Dey said that the ADEQ Aquifer Protection Permit for 86,000 gpd was an “absolute maximum.” Mr. Dey was concerned that the City of Bisbee was ignoring NSD regarding connections for the Camp Naco project. As this was preliminary, Mr. Behney suggested moving on to the next agenda item. Mr. Paladini offered to send a memo outlining the legal steps for a moratorium.

The board then discussed and unanimously approved payment for a certified FAA drone operator license for NSD drone files to become public domain. Mr. Behney will study and take the FAA 107 examination.

The NSD next discussed and approved a courtesy quorum notice for budget work sessions on Friday for the next two months at the office.

Comments from the Board and Public.

Ms. Renee Reed expressed concerns about NSD being a taxing district that no longer bills residents. Her taxes have increased. She suggested NSD contact social agencies and return to liens for non-paying customers.

Ms. Laurie Anderson claimed NSD “was jumping the gun” in providing Camp Riff a utility will serve letter that allows for 25,000 gpd for their proposed development.

Mr. David Loyd said he understood the NSD had a limit of 86,000 gpd. Mr. Dey stated that 20,000 gpd in reserve will allow for infill of lots within the district.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:48 AM.


Stephen T. Dey

Naco Sanitary District Chair

Posted at the Naco Post Office, Naco Fire Department

Posted online: 5/1/2024 11:00 AM


Meeting – March 1, 2024 at 9:00 AM



NSD Business Office
1326 W. Highway 92 #12
Bisbee, AZ 85620
March 1, 2024


Regular Meeting

9:00 AM

Call to Order. Roll Call.

Chair’s Report.

Vice Chair will read and discuss the RCAC Work Plan.

Officer Manager’s Report.

New Business

Discuss and approve the Minutes for January 25, 2024.

Discussion and approval of letter to Joseph Lewis and his company to provide a letter of intent to provide service to his properties within the Naco Census Data Place.

Discussion of possible sewer connection moratorium after connections to the former country club properties.

Discussion and possible approval of certified FAA drone operator license for NSD drone files to become public domain.

Discuss and approve a courtesy quorum notice for budget work sessions on Friday for the next two months at the office.

Comments from the Board and Public.

To join the video meeting, click this link:

Otherwise, to join by phone, dial +1 513-486-2641 and enter this PIN: 510 485 358#

To view more phone numbers, click this link:


Stephen T. Dey

Naco Sanitary District Chair

Posted at the Naco Post Office, Naco Fire Department: 2/29/2024 8:30 AM

Posted online: 2/29/2024 8:00 AM



Special Meeting Minutes for January 25, 2024



NSD Business Office
1326 W. Highway 92 #12
Bisbee, AZ 85603

January 25, 2024


The meeting was called to order at 6:06 PM. Present at Roll Call were Stephen Dey, Charles Behney, Jesus Guerrero, Angelica Coronado and Andrew Foster.

Mr. Dey then orally gave his Chair’s Report. Mr. Dey related that earlier on January 25, he and Mr. Behney spent six hours with Alexis Ramanjulu of KGUN news for a series on groundwater in Arizona. Mr. Behney spoke about how Ms. Ana-Gonzalez-Gomez of the Western Environmental Science Technical Assistance Center for Environmental Justice (WEST EJ Center) had asked for information from a Federal Officer regarding Naco, and our legal issues. Mr. Dey then read this from Ms. Gonzalez-Gomez:

This is great news! Thanks so much for keeping us updated. I spoke with Paula Flores-Gregg yesterday, the Designated Federal Officer (DFO) of EPA’s National Environmental Justice Advisory Council (NEJAC), about Naco and what you are currently working on. She asked that I send all the info I have to her, and she will make sure to bring up Naco in her talks with her colleagues and bosses. Is it alright with you if I send her all the information you have shared with me?

And congratulations on sending that SEARCH grant through! Let me know if you would like any help with this next grant you are working on- whether it be preparing the application, proof reading, etc.!


Ana Gonzalez-Gomez

Discussion and action regarding the Pierce Coleman Law Firm Letter of Engagement for General Municipal Matters was short since the earlier work session and the offer from Mr. Jon Paladini was fair and thorough. A motion was made by Mr. Dey to approve the Letter of Engagement without any changes, and was seconded by Mr. Behney. A roll call vote was taken, and the motion passed unanimously.

Next on the agenda, was discussion and action regarding the site manager position and hiring. A notice was published for this position in the Bisbee Observer on December 22, 2023. Mr. Chris Willhoite has done work and repair onsite since last year and was the only applicant. A motion was made by Mr. Dey to hire Mr. Willhoite for site manager, seconded by Mr Foster, and a roll call vote was taken. The motion passed unanimously.

Old Business

The board then discussed the Minutes for November 3, 2023 as written. A motion was made to approve the minutes by Mr. Dey, and seconded by Mr. Behney. The motion was unanimous.

Next, the board discussed the Work Session Minutes for December 1, 2023. A motion was made to approve the minutes by Mr. Dey, and seconded by Mr. Behney. The motion was unanimous.

Next, the board discussed the Work Session Minutes for January 5, 2024 as written. A motion was made to approve the minutes by Mr. Dey, and seconded by Mr. Behney. The motion was unanimous.

Discussion status of attorneys, grants and task force requests was struck, since these topics were already discussed.

A motion to adjourn was made by Mr. Dey and seconded by Mr. Behney, which then passed with unanimity. The meeting adjourned at 6:19 PM.


Stephen T. Dey

Naco Sanitary District Chair

Work Session Minutes for December 5, 2023 and Work Session Minutes for January 5, 2024

NSD Business Office
1326 W. Highway 92 #12
Bisbee, AZ 95620

Work Session Minutes for December 5, 2023

The work session was called to order at 2:00. The NSD Board was present. Rural Community Assistance Corporation advisors Ramon Lucero and Mario Cassillas were also present. A member of the public named Jason was present.

Mr. Dey presented the current status of grants to Mr. Lucero and Casillas.

Mr. Casillas explained the remaining steps necessary for NSD’s USDA RD SEARCH grant, which will start a Preliminary Engineering Review, for $30,000.

Mr. Lucero described the steps required from both RCAC and NSD to grow from a small project to a large public works program.

Board members Angelica Coronado and Jesus Guerrero described the water rationing that occurs in Naco, Sonora due to water leaks that necessitate the wells to be turned off at night for the entire town.

Mr. Dey described the similar water rationing that continues along Purdy Lane.

Mr. Behney spoke about the long term timeline that the Naco Regional Plan will need to protect the aquifer for the next one hundred years.

The meeting adjourned at 4:00 PM.

Work Session Minutes for January 5, 2024

The work session was called to order at 9:00 AM. The full NSD board was present at roll call. Mr. Jon Paladini of the Pierce Colman law firm consulted with NSD regarding general municipal attorney services.

As this was a work session, no actions were taken by the board.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 AM.

Special Meeting – January 25, 2024 at 6:00PM


NSD Business Office
1326 W. Highway 92 #12
Bisbee, AZ 85603

January 25, 2024


Regular Meeting

6:00 PM

Call to Order. Roll Call.

Chair’s Report.

Discussion and action regarding the Pierce Coleman Law Firm Letter of Engagement for General Municipal Matters.

Discussion and action regarding site manager position and hiring.

Old Business

Discuss and approve the Minutes for November 3, 2023.

Discuss and approve the Work Session Minutes for December 1, 2023.

Discuss and approve Work Session Minutes for January 5, 2024.

Discuss status of attorneys, grants and task force requests.

Comments from the Board, the Office Manager and Public.


Stephen T. Dey
Naco Sanitary District Chair

Posted at the Naco Post Office, Naco Fire Department: 1/24/2023 3:00 PM

Posted online: 1/24/ 2024 2:00 PM

Click here to join the meeting:

Meeting – January 5, 2024 9:00 AM


NSD Business Office
1326 W. Highway 92 #12
Bisbee, AZ 95620

January 5, 2024


Work Session

9:00 AM

Work Session and Conference Call with Jon Paladini regarding General Municipal Attorney for NSD.

Regular Meeting

9:30 PM

Call to Order. Roll Call.

Chair’s Report.

Financial Report.

Old Business

Discuss and approve the Minutes for November 3, 2023.

Discuss and approve the Work Session Minutes for December 1, 2023.

Discuss status of grants and task force requests.

Comments from the Board, the Office Manager and Public.


Stephen T. Dey

Naco Sanitary District Chair

Posted at the Naco Post Office, Naco Fire Department: 1/4/2023 1:00 PM

Posted online: 1/4/ 2024 9:00 AM

Meeting – December 1, 2023 2:30 PM


NSD Business Office
1326 W. Highway 92 #12
Bisbee, AZ 95620

December 1, 2023


Work Session

2:30 PM

Work Session with Rural Community Assistance Corporation.

Regular Meeting

3:00 PM

Call to Order. Roll Call.

Chair’s Report.

Old Business

Discuss and approve the Minutes for November 3, 2023.

Discuss status of grants and task force requests.

Comments from the Board, the Office Manager and Public.


Stephen T. Dey

Naco Sanitary District Chair

Posted at the Naco Post Office, Naco Fire Department: 11/30/2023 1:00 PM

Posted online: 11/30/2023 12:00 PM