General Municipal Law,
Title VI Law,
Environmental Law

The Naco Sanitary District (NSD) invites interested individual attorneys and law firms to submit written proposals to provide general municipal legal services.

The NSD, an ARS Title 48 Special Taxing District, is seeking general municipal legal services, which would include advising the NSD Board on quasi-judicial and legislative procedures or other matters specifically before the NSD Board that have not already been addressed by outside counsel or through in-house staff.

It is expected that this individual or firm will attend NSD Board work sessions, regular, and special meetings, as necessary or as required. Remote counsel online is acceptable for NSD legal services.

This individual or firm would be responsible for or assist with preparation and review of all NSD Ordinances, Resolutions, grants, contracts and other legally-related documents; legal opinions and memorandums; review of public works projects; land use planning; purchasing and procurement; leasing, purchasing and sale of property; employment matters; public disclosure laws; and certain other limited legal services as designated by the Chair and NSD Board.

The NSD Board meets regularly on the first Friday of each month at 10:00 AM or 3:00 PM. Occasional special meetings may be held, as needed, and at the request of the Chair and NSD Board.

The individual or firm selected to provide general legal services will serve at the pleasure of the NSD Board and may be removed per terms of an approved contract.

The NSD is prepared to review proposals from individuals or firms to serve as an independent contractor. The NSD is requesting that proposals include fees calculated on an hourly basis, or a retainer based on 5 to 20 hours per month.

Requested Information:

Proposals should include the following information. Proposers may submit additional information as deemed appropriate.

1. For individual proposers, employment history since 2000. For firm proposers, legal status of firm or predecessor forms of organization since 2000, including specialization of individual, firm, or predecessor organization.

2. Qualifications for providing general legal services, for each attorney likely to provide services, including:

A. Law School (including year of graduation), year of admission to Arizona State Bar, and years of practice. Must be a member in good standing of the Arizona State Bar Association.

B. Years of municipal or other public sector law practice as a full-time government attorney or specializing in municipal or other public sector law practice in a law firm or as a sole practitioner.

  • C. Particular areas of knowledge and experience in Arizona government law, including but not limited to law related to cities. Examples of areas may include but are not necessarily limited to law related to:
      • Land use;
      • Personnel contracts and negotiations;
      • Groundwater and surface waters of Arizona;
      • Environmental laws and transboundary treaties applicable to the International Boundaries and Water Commission, the Environmental Protection Agency, the Clean Water Act, State of Arizona statutes and local jurisdictions;
      • Annexation;
      • Public purchasing and contracting;
      • Title VI law regarding tribes and colonias;
      • Planning, construction, and operation of public facilities such as street, water, sanitary sewer, and storm drainage facilities;
      • Rural development and urban renewal;
      • Open meetings, public records, and public disclosure;
      • Government ethics;
      • Elections.

D. Litigation experience, including descriptions of representative cases and outcomes.

E. Drafting experience, such as drafting of grants, loans, contracts, memoranda, ordinances, and resolutions.

F. Experience giving oral advice such as during the course of NSD Board meetings and by telephone to NSD staff.

G. Other types of clients represented.

H. Affiliations or clients that could cause conflicts of interest regarding likely NSD Attorney and legal matters.

3. How you propose to provide general legal services to the NSD.

4. Proposed compensation for general legal services should be proposed at a monthly amount based upon 20 hours a month, or a yearly retainer for a flat rate.

As an independent contractor, this should include any proposal for expense reimbursements beyond payments for time. For a firm’s proposal, if the proposed compensation will vary depending on which attorney does work, this should include the proposed method of charging for each attorney who will be performing work.

Mail RFP for legal services to:

NSD Business Office
Attention: Monika Patience, Office Manager
1326 W. Highway 92 #12
Bisbee, AZ 95620

Or email to: Naco Sanitary District Office:

For information call 520-432-3530.

This RFP is open until filled by the NSD Board. All proposals will be reviewed and voted upon by the NSD Board of Directors.

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