Naco Sanitary District Meeting 2024-03-01 9:00 AM


NSD Business Office
1326 W. Highway 92 #12
Bisbee, AZ 85620

March 1, 2024

Unapproved Minutes for March 1, 2024

Regular Meeting

9:00 AM

The meeting was called to order at 9:05 AM. Present at roll call were Andrew Foster, Charles Behney, Jesus Guerrero, Angelica Coronado and Stephen Dey.

For the Chair’s Report, Mr. Dey stated that NSD was in good shape.

The Vice Chair, Charles Behney read and discussed the Rural Community Assistance Corporation Work Plan.

Mr. Behney read this from RCAC Program Manager Ramon Lucero:

Broad Scope of Work

The Naco Sanitary District and Bisbee are working on an Integrated Regional Transboundary Wastewater Mitigation Plan.  This is a regional project which is attempting to mitigate major water quality issues within a sole source aquifer which impacts Naco, Sonora, Naco, AZ, and Bisbee. This sole source aquifer has been polluted by a spreading sulfate plume which has impacted water quality for these communities in addition to many private wells.

These entities are working towards an interconnected, regional wastewater treatment plant including constructed wetlands to eliminate the effluent discharge into what’s called the Green Bush Draw, connect pipelines to Naco, Sonora WWTPs to address emergencies, construct wetland lagoons for sulfate mitigation and recharge treated effluent into a positive hydro-static pressure dome to protect further spreading of the sulfate plume.

Ms. Patience was occupied and not available for the Officer Manager’s Report.

New Business

The board read the Minutes for January 25, 2024. Mr. Dey made a motion to approve the minutes, which was seconded by Mr. Behney. The motion passed unanimously.

Next, the board discussed the utility will serve letter to Mr. Joseph Lewis and Camp Riff-Bisbee Ventures LLC for the former country club properties. This letter will approve connections and service to his properties within the Naco Census Data Place. Mr. Dey explained that before any construction can be started within the NSD, a utility will serve letter must be approved and sent by the NSD granting permission to connect to the sewer system. Mr. Dey stated that NSD will provide up to 25,000 gallons per day to Bisbee Ventures until the current system is improved and expanded. NSD currently is using 35,000 gpd. Adding 35,000 and 25,000 gpd will provide 60,000 gpd. 5000 gpd for infill and vacant lots. Mr. Dey stated that possible limits to NSD current capacity will require the system to be expanded. In exchange for providing Bisbee Ventures with 25,000 gpd, the 170 acres would be annexed into the NSD. This would provide more property taxes to the district, which would lower the taxes for the NSD residents. The property taxes would come down. The Camp Riff project will actually improve NSD’s standing with grants and funding. Mr. Behney stated that Camp Riff will lower property taxes and take pressure off of the current businesses and residents. Mr. Dey made a motion to write the will serve letter, which was seconded by Mr. Behney. The motion was approved with a roll call vote, which was unanimous.

The board next discussed a possible sewer connection moratorium after connections to the former country club properties. Mr. Dey was concerned about the legality of a moratorium, whether a resolution or an ordinance would be needed. With the Camp Riff build-out, other projects and developments could be limited by NSD’s current capacity. NSD attorney Jon Paladini explained that there is a statutory process for adopting a moratorium which includes publishing an advertisement in a newspaper and a series of findings. Mr. Paladini recommending not pursuing a moratorium, because it entails a very specific process. Mr. Paladini offered to provide NSD with a memorandum for how to do this. Mr. Paladini stated that the new connections would add up to 70,000 gpd, leaving approximately 15,000 gpd available. Mr. Dey said that the ADEQ Aquifer Protection Permit for 86,000 gpd was an “absolute maximum.” Mr. Dey was concerned that the City of Bisbee was ignoring NSD regarding connections for the Camp Naco project. As this was preliminary, Mr. Behney suggested moving on to the next agenda item. Mr. Paladini offered to send a memo outlining the legal steps for a moratorium.

The board then discussed and unanimously approved payment for a certified FAA drone operator license for NSD drone files to become public domain. Mr. Behney will study and take the FAA 107 examination.

The NSD next discussed and approved a courtesy quorum notice for budget work sessions on Friday for the next two months at the office.

Comments from the Board and Public.

Ms. Renee Reed expressed concerns about NSD being a taxing district that no longer bills residents. Her taxes have increased. She suggested NSD contact social agencies and return to liens for non-paying customers.

Ms. Laurie Anderson claimed NSD “was jumping the gun” in providing Camp Riff a utility will serve letter that allows for 25,000 gpd for their proposed development.

Mr. David Loyd said he understood the NSD had a limit of 86,000 gpd. Mr. Dey stated that 20,000 gpd in reserve will allow for infill of lots within the district.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:48 AM.


Stephen T. Dey

Naco Sanitary District Chair

Posted at the Naco Post Office, Naco Fire Department

Posted online: 5/1/2024 11:00 AM