NSD Business Office
1326 W. Highway 92 #12
Bisbee, AZ 95620
Work Session Minutes for December 5, 2023
The work session was called to order at 2:00. The NSD Board was present. Rural Community Assistance Corporation advisors Ramon Lucero and Mario Cassillas were also present. A member of the public named Jason was present.
Mr. Dey presented the current status of grants to Mr. Lucero and Casillas.
Mr. Casillas explained the remaining steps necessary for NSD’s USDA RD SEARCH grant, which will start a Preliminary Engineering Review, for $30,000.
Mr. Lucero described the steps required from both RCAC and NSD to grow from a small project to a large public works program.
Board members Angelica Coronado and Jesus Guerrero described the water rationing that occurs in Naco, Sonora due to water leaks that necessitate the wells to be turned off at night for the entire town.
Mr. Dey described the similar water rationing that continues along Purdy Lane.
Mr. Behney spoke about the long term timeline that the Naco Regional Plan will need to protect the aquifer for the next one hundred years.
The meeting adjourned at 4:00 PM.
Work Session Minutes for January 5, 2024
The work session was called to order at 9:00 AM. The full NSD board was present at roll call. Mr. Jon Paladini of the Pierce Colman law firm consulted with NSD regarding general municipal attorney services.
As this was a work session, no actions were taken by the board.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 AM.