Minutes for September 6, 2022 – Approved

NSD Business Office
1326 W. Highway 92 #12
Bisbee, AZ 95620
September 6, 2022, at 5 PM


NSD Chair Stephen Dey called the special meeting to order at 10:06 PM. Present: Charles Behney, Stephen Dey, Andrew A. Foster, Jesus Guerrero, Robert Orlowsky, excused. Ms. Monika Patience was also present.

Mr. Dey made a motion to accept the minutes of the meeting of July 6, 2022 as written. The motion was seconded by Mr. Behney and was passed unanimously.

Under old business Mr. Behney spoke about the decision to write a letter on past due accounts to customers that was agreed during the prior meeting, and the need to finish it, despite unforeseen personal problems that postponed the writing.

Mr. Behney and Mr. Guerrero are translating and editing the English bylaws into Spanish, to provide to the community with the letter regarding past due accounts.

Mr. Dey reported that the owner of the RV Park has agreed to pay for one year in advance, based on 35 units average.

Mr. Behney will check the assessor and treasurer property records and make sure they are current with the NSD billing. Mr. Guerrero reported that a few customers complained about not having information on the bills, such as past due amounts.

Ms. Patience stated that currently the bills are for what is owed. Mr. Guerrero stated that one customer was not aware that they could pay in the office. Ms. Patience stated that past due amounts could be added to the bill, but it would take some time and effort for this.

Mr. Behney suggested placing this in the draft letter. Mr. Guerrero said he was still learning the system, yet a few people wanted to pay every six months.

Mr. Dey said that if they were renters, instead of owners, the landlords are responsible. Mr. Guerrero said that some renters were sending the money to their landlords, not NSD.

Mr. Behney will come in and look at the current status of the county assessor records, and line by line review the addresses in Quickbooks. Mr. Behney will also contract with Sparklight for an office phone, instead of Centurylink’s lack of service.

Mr. Dey stated that the prior NSD board had complicated these matters, as many customers never received a bill in years. The previous administration never gave NSD the phone code necessary for hearing voicemails on the NSD phone line.

Mr. Behney will audit the current past due bills, against the latest county assessor and treasurer records to find whether property owners are receiving the bills. Mr. Behney will look at the records, obtain new phone services and write a draft letter to the NSD customers.

Mr. Dey stated that raising the rates was missing from the agenda, and it was the most important matter for NSD. Mr. Behney suggested holding a special meeting to discuss and approve rates.

Mr Dey suggested sending the NSD bylaws to the customers with a bill stating past due amounts. There are no excuses for customers who refuse to pay. The RV wants to hook up more lots to NSD lines.

Mr. Behney inquired about holding a special meeting for 9/12/2022 to address the rate increases.

Next agenda item concerned writing a Request for Proposal for an attorney. Mr. Behney made a motion to fill out an RFP form to write a draft RFP for an attorney. Mr. Dey seconded, and the motion carried unanimously.

The agenda item to discuss and approve the Spanish translation of the NSD Bylaws was tabled for the next agenda.

Mr. Behney made a motion to write a draft letter with Ms. Patience for the NSD board to discuss and approve when written. Who is required to pay, why they must pay, and the consequences of not paying. Mr. Dey claimed some past due amounts may be waived, if proper. Mr. Dey said that if everyone was paying their bill, then NSD would have enough revenue to function without problems.

Mr. Behney recommended placing money in reserve accounts.

Mr. Dey made a motion for Mr. Behney to draft the letter, which was seconded by Mr. Behney. The motion passed unanimously.

Mr. Behney suggested that the Chair call a special meeting.

Mr. Dey announced a special meeting on September 12, 2022 at 10PM to discuss and approve rate increases, and a letter to NSD customers.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:40.


Stephen T. Dey

Naco Sanitary District Chair September 12, 2022

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