July 22, 2021, at 6:00 PM
3853 S Towner Avenue
El Centro Community Center
Naco AZ 85620
The meeting was called to order at 6:00 PM. Present: Charles Behney, Stephen Dey, Andrew A. Foster. Robert Orlowsky was excused.
NSD Chair Stephen Dey reported on continuing efforts to remediate the WWTP vegetation and other issues of non-compliance. A crew from Verhelst House is scheduled for maintenance. An aquatic weed cutter is expected soon. Other cattail and pond equipment is on back order, to arrive in mid August. NSD will then complete the removal of cattails and aquatic weeds.
There are multiple issues with our current flow meter: out of warranty, paper jams, and a lack of sources for paper and ink. Research and quotes on new flow meters are being received. NSD qualifies for WIFA loans to purchase this.
The biggest concern with our non-compliance with ADEQ is the lack of a qualified and certified site operator. Mr. Dey will meet with Grade 4 Site Operator Ron Jacobsen on Monday to possibly hire him immediately. Mr. Dey will be the NSD site representative until a site operator is hired and the maintenance is established.
The NSD directors discussed and approved the minutes for July 1st and July 14, 2021 with unanimous consent.
Mr. Dey reported that this year’s FY2021-2022 budget total was $95,795, more than last year’s budget. $15,000 was transferred from last year’s reserve account for this purpose. NSD has additional funding without raising rates.
Mr. Dey made a motion to approve the FY2021-2022 budget which was seconded by Mr. Foster. The motion was approved unanimously.
There were no comments from the public. Mr. Dey suggested putting NSD directors comments on the agenda for the next meeting.
Mr. Dey made a motion to adjourn, which Mr. Behney seconded. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 6:07 PM.
Minutes Approved on August 3, 2021.
Stephen T. Dey
Naco Sanitary District Chair July 22, 2021