EPA Request for Information for Environmental Justice


RFI for EPA-HQ-OEJECR-2023-0023

According to the EPA, “Wetlands currently cover 5.5 percent of the land in the 48 contiguous states. An estimated 95 percent of these wetlands are freshwater; the rest are marine or estuarine. Wetland extent can be affected by a variety of natural stressors, such as erosion, land subsidence, droughts, sea level change, and storms. However, the vast majority of wetland losses and gains over the last few centuries
have occurred as a result of human activities.”
The Naco Sanitary District recommends these policies and priorities to reduce barriers and increase the efficiency of the new Environmental Justice Thriving Communities Grantmaking (EJ TCGM) Program:

Program Design:
Wetlands and constructed wetlands that nurture and protect wildlife biodiversity should be prioritized for best management practices for all communities needing environmental and climate justice. Besides air pollution and waste pollution, more emphasis should be placed on
groundwater protection and remediation. Prioritize local recharge and management of stormwaters, flood mitigation, including protection of wildlife and biodiversity.

Projects to Prioritize and Fund:
Colonias along the US-Mexico border
Native American Tribes
EPA designated Sole Source Aquifers
Farmland reclamation
Groundwater stabilization
Wildlife, plants and biodiversity preservation

RFI for EPA-HQ-OEJECR-2023-0023