Regular Meeting 12/6/2024
10:30 AM
NSD Business Office
1326 W. Highway 92 #12
Bisbee, Arizona 85603
Unapproved Minutes
The regular meeting of the Naco Sanitary District was called to order at 10:33 AM.
On roll call, Jesus Guerrero, Andrew Foster and Charles Behney were present. Stephen Dey was absent. Office Manager Monika Patience and Site Maintenance Manager Chris Willhoite were also in attendance.
First order of business was to conduct an election of Chair and Vice Chair. Andrew Foster nominated Charles Behney for Chair. This was seconded by Jesus Guerrero. There were no other nominations, so Mr. Behney stands as Chair.
Next, Mr. Behney nominated Andrew Foster for Vice Chair, which was seconded by Jesus Guerrero. As there were no other nominations, Andrew Foster stands as Vice Chair.
The meeting was reconvened with the new officers at 10:35 AM. Under old business, the minutes for 6/19/2024 were discussed. Mr. Guerrero noted that the meeting adjournment time was incorrect. This was corrected. The minutes were then unanimously approved.
Next, the resignation of board member Angelica Coronado was discussed. Mr. Behney explained that former Chair Stephen Dey had received a letter of resignation that had not been received by the NSD board. This letter needs to be sent to the Cochise County Clerk of the Board. Then an announcement regarding this vacancy will be published, and letters of interest can be received.
NSD meetings were discussed. The current regular meeting date of the first Friday of the month was continues unchanged. The location of meetings at the business office continues unchanged. Meeting posting locations continue to be online, the Naco Post Office and the Naco Fire Department.
The board then discussed the ADEQ inspection of the wastewater treatment plant on 11/21/2024 and its findings, which noted a lack of compliance at the WWTP.
Site Maintenance Manager, Chris Willhoite stated that the first priority was to hire Verhelst House crews to clear the weeds away from the lagoon berms. He discussed the time necessary to contact contractors, including the Verhelst House to remediate the defiencies before January 15, 2024. He reported that Silvic Electric has replaced fuses after the last power disruption. Mr. Behney stated that the January 15th date was aspirational and not a hard deadline. Mr. Willhoite stated that he would begin contacting contractors immediately. Mr. Behney gave Mr. Willhoite the new site log, which includes the aquifer protection permit, site work logs, the Emergency Response Plan, and the ADEQ inspection report of 11/21/2024.
Mr. Behney made a motion for an emergency appropriation of $10,000 to hire equipment and crews to bring the WWTP back into full compliance before January 15, 2025. Mr. Willhoite stated that January 15th would be difficult due to the holidays. This deadline was not a hard deadline, according to Mr. Behney. Andew Foster seconded the motion, which was passed unanimously.
During public comments, Naco resident Dennis Grissom was offered a tour of the WWTP site.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:19 AM.
Charles Behney NSD Chair