NSD Business Office
1326 W. Highway 92 #12
Bisbee, AZ 85620
February 3, 2023
The meeting of the Naco Sanitary District was called to order at 10:28 AM. Roll call present: Angelica Coronado, Jesus Guerrero, Stephen Dey, Andrew Foster, and Charles Behney.
First order of business was to elect new officers. Mr. Dey explained the process for electing directors. Mr. Dey, citing his past experience as NSD Chair, nominated himself for Chair. With no other nominations, Mr. Foster seconded the motion to re-elect Mr. Dey for Chair. The motion passed, unanimously.
Mr. Dey nominated Mr. Behney for re-election to Vice Chair. Mr. Behney seconded the nomination, which then passed unanimously.
Mr. Behney then nominated Ms. Coronado for Secretary-Treasurer, which was seconded by Mr. Dey and then passed unanimously.
The new board then discussed the minutes of September 12, 2022. Mr. Behney made a motion the approve the minutes as written. Mr. Guerrero noted an error in the minutes as written. The minutes were corrected to “past due customers will receive copies of the bylaws”, correcting “to be receive”. The corrected minutes were then passed unanimously.
The Spanish version of the NSD Bylaws on the website were discussed. Mr. Behney made a motion to approve the Spanish NSD Bylaws as written. The motion was seconded by Mr. Dey. The board unanimously approved.
Friday meetings were discussed, to replace the Tuesday meetings. Discussion of Open Meeting Law and ethical violations regarding tax dollars and public notices. Agenda items should be given to the chair to avoid problems. Any board member can submit agenda items, besides the Chair.
Budget deadlines were discussed. Mr. Dey explained the grant budget needs, and the NSD’s goal for obtaining local assistance and grants.
Mr. Behney suggested raising property taxes to fund NSD. Mr. Dey explained property values and tax rates for revenue. Mr. Behney discussed the problems obtaining SAM verification that he was having. He suggested an affidavit of facts to send to SAM.Gov to obtain verification for NSD.
Mr. Behney also suggested an update for NSD Bylaws, and an updated emergency response plan for NSD.
Mr. Dey explained the Naco Community Wetlands Mitigation Plan of 2018, and its significance for NSD. NSD is qualified for an $8,000,000 grant from NADBank when we get verification.
Mr. Behney eplained how the NSD WWTP was originally built for Bisbee and both Nacos with an EPA grant from 1979. Mr. Dey further explained long term controversies about NSD WWTP, and the interest of NADBank regarding long term planning along the border. Mr. Dey explained that at least $8,000,000 was needed for grant opportunities in the pending budget. Mr. Behney stated that Naco is the only community along the border that is missing binational cooperation and why NSD is important for completing projects in Naco, Sonora.
The meeting motion to adjourn was made by Mr. Dey, seconded by Mr. Behney and unanimously adjourned at 11:01 AM.
Stephen T. Dey
Naco Sanitary District Chair *
P.O. BOX 755
Naco, AZ 85620